Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How many ____'s does it take to change a lightbulb?

Just when you think you’ve heard the last “change a light bulb joke” a new one surfaces. Like this one:

Q: How many computer technical writers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 100. One to do it, and 99 to write document number GC7500439-0001, “Multitasking Incandescent Source System Facilitation”, of which 10% of the pages state only, ``This page intentionally left blank,'' and 20% of the definitions are of the form ``A <...> consists of sequences of non-blank characters separated by blanks.''

(How can you tell that my computer is down and I am being held hostage this week by slow I.T. guys and this is my revenge!?)

But actually, the newest light bulb joke is:
Q: How many church board meetings board meetings does it take to get a light bulb changed?
A: "This topic was resumed from last week's discussion, but is incomplete pending resolution of some action additional items related to the heating bill from the Winter of ‘08. It was tabled and will be taken up again at next month’s meeting." :/<

We like to make fun of meetings and committees. And there are times when they really do live up to all the criticism they invite.

But in church life I believe in helping people find their voice in speaking into the life of the church family. All those voices together can make the kind of change possible that reflects what God is saying to us as a church and not just to one person.

Our annual meeting on May 17th will create the chance again for those voices to be heard and folks to be elected who will lead in the positive changes we keep looking for in church life. Empowering change has been the work of the Spirit of God since the birth of the church. Join with the rest of the church family and with Him as He empowers change for us on May 17th.

Q: How many pastors does it take to change a light bulb?
A: ________________________________________
Send us your answer to the church web site link here and we’ll find out on May 17th. The prize for the best answer?! Come and see!