And so it is March. March Hare. March Madness. March Break. March of Dimes and March of the Penguins. March is the month that gives us Fat Tuesday on the 8th and Ash Wednesday on the 9th. March gives us St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th and National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day on the 24th. March gives us National Potato Chip Day on the 14th and not to be outdone, National Potato Chip Dip Day on the 23rd. March just seems filled with notable days.
March. Will it come in like a lion or a lamb is not our biggest question about March, I think. The big question is when will it be over? Because it seems to me that March is a month of waiting. Waiting for Winter to be finally and fully done. Waiting for Spring to muscle it’s way out of the ground and out on a limb. Waiting for warmth to take such hold of our days that we forget what real cold feels like. Waiting for yesterday to be folded up like a lawn chair and tomorrow to unfold like the arms of a child reaching up to you.
So it seems that March yearns ... for fresh starts and new beginnings, for the implied promises of the season to be kept. March is a leaning forward kind of month, always straining ahead to see what is coming. And what gets missed in all this? March.
There are 31 days in March and every one of them is gift from God. But if we keep looking beyond them for something yet to come we forget to unwrap all the 31 gifts that are March. Perhaps we should sit back, settle in, pour a cup of coffee and simply be at home with March. Spring will find us when it’s ready. But March is here now for the taking. So take it.
…just thinkling