When was the last time ...
... you laid on your back in the grass and watched the clouds go past while you looked for the faces and shapes they made?
... you had a real picnic with a blanket and sandwiches and potato salad and ants and no grill or lawn chairs or tailgate?
... you kissed a baby and felt their lips disappear beneath the slightest pressure of yours?

... you told a child "yes" instead of "no" or "maybe" or "we'll see"?
... you had time?
All these and more are the kind of questions that invite an inner conversation about what it is we value. Really value. If these don't spark that conversation, you might want to ask "what would?" Because its a conversation we need to keep coming back to before the lights go out and the time for picnics is gone forever.
... just thinkling
... you laid on your back in the grass and watched the clouds go past while you looked for the faces and shapes they made?
... you had a real picnic with a blanket and sandwiches and potato salad and ants and no grill or lawn chairs or tailgate?
... you kissed a baby and felt their lips disappear beneath the slightest pressure of yours?

... you told a child "yes" instead of "no" or "maybe" or "we'll see"?
... you had time?
All these and more are the kind of questions that invite an inner conversation about what it is we value. Really value. If these don't spark that conversation, you might want to ask "what would?" Because its a conversation we need to keep coming back to before the lights go out and the time for picnics is gone forever.
... just thinkling
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