Once upon a time, if you were looking for employment, at the very top of your resume would be your experience in the job you were applying for. If you want a job as a writer, can you write? If you want a job as a plumber, can you plumb!?
But apparently, that's changing.
Steve Stark, writer and political commentator, wrote this today...
"...given the popularity of reality shows, it is no surprise that, in 2008, the nation is being treated to an American Idol election. During the past decade, if there's one type of programming that's been pushed relentlessly, it's reality television. The whole concept of reality TV is the same as American Idol: anyone can be famous, so much so that we can eliminate the professionals and make "the people" the stars.
It's a very democratic idea and very traditional American ideal. But it's never before had the political currency it has now.The search for undiscovered electoral talent has led the Democratic Party to nominate Barack Obama, its least-experienced candidate in memory. And this past week, the Republicans trumped that exponentially by elevating Sarah Palin from the relative depths of political obscurity to the nation's center stage."
Ouch. And ouch again. We're looking to hire someone for the most powerful job in the freeworld and job experience has become a handicap, not an asset. You can argue about which person is more experienced. But in the end, maybe that doesn't matter much. We don't want "the same old Washington elites" or "the same old Washington politics" ... phrases lifted from both campaigns. On both party's ticket, new and fresh has become more appealing than seasoned and experienced. The professionals with the resumes are giving way to the neophytes with the charm and charisma.
Funny ... if I needed a plumber, I wouldn't hire an electrician. So if I needed a politician, I think I'd hire one. But can they sing?
...just thinkling
1 comment:
i like this post, dad! you may be old, but your brain still works! :)
happy birthday!
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