What Matthew 5:3-12 does not say:
Blessed are the overflowing in spirit, the always ‘up’ people, the always bright and smiley crowd who never seem to be down but always overcoming … for theirs and only theirs is the Km of heaven.
Blessed are those who are bubbling over with joy, who have story after story to tell of how great their experiences of God are and how wonderful their life is going and how things could never be better … for they and only they will know comfort.
Blessed are the strident and the important and the powerful people who write all the books and teach all the seminars and travel the Christian speakers circuit sharing their great wisdom and insights and five easy keys to success… for they and only are obviously the ones who will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for the latest technique or the latest teaching or latch onto the latest trend or have read all the newest books that give them the inside track on becoming spiritual giants or finding personal significance … for they and only they will be filled.
Blessed are the triumphant and the winners who go from victory to victory, who need no help and show no weakness and never let God down … for they and only they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are those who do lots for God and never miss a meeting and have their kids in line and their answers all lined up for any question that may arise, who always make a good impression and project the best of Christian conduct at all times … for they and only they will see God.
Blessed are those who are right all the time and “in the know” and have verse for it and can stand head and shoulders over those who are obviously in error in their Christian understanding of truth or practice … for they and only they will be called the sons of God.
Blessed are those who never seem to wrestle in prayer, who always walk on the sunny side of the faith, who are well liked, who have their choices constantly affirmed by those around them and their deeds praised in the gates … for theirs and only theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
And blessed are you when people think you’re the best thing since sliced bread, when they accord you status and glory in who you are and what you have accomplished in life, and wonder aloud how the Kingdom of God ever got along without you up ‘til now … because you and only you will be rewarded in heaven like all the other really significant Christians who are dead and gone but were just like you.
Not only are we deceived thinking these things are true, but we often project those things on others, so they have to keep up the image.
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